What Are Baseline Tax Strategies vs Advanced Tax Strategies?
May 10, 2021
If you are a regular reader here you know that we put a very heavy focus on tax savings or tax strategies you can implement to ensure you pay the least amount in taxes as legally possible.
You’ll often times see us talking about baseline tax strategies and then advanced tax strategies.
Someone in our Free Facebook Group asked how a baseline tax strategy is different from an advanced tax strategy so that is exactly what we are going to break down here!
What Are Baseline Tax Strategies?
Strategies every business owner should take advantage of!
- Easy to Understand
- Easy to Implement
- Generally no cost or inexpensive to implement.
- Available to business owners of all sizes. Whether you are making $50k a year or $1MM a year, baseline tax strategies are available to you.
- Examples
- Maximizing Deductions
- Meals, Travel, Supplies, Utilities, Rent, Equipment, Advertising, Postage, etc.
- Hiring Your Kids
- Home Office
- 14 Day Home Rental
- Retirement Options
- Entity Structure / S Corp
- Depreciation / Business Vehicles
- Health Insurance / Costs
- Accountable Plans
- Capitalization Policies
- and so much more!
- Maximizing Deductions
- Essentially baseline tax strategies are the ones that businesses, no matter your size, should be learning, researching, and implementing to ensure you are paying the least amount in taxes as legally possible.
What Are Advanced Tax Strategies?
Once you hit a certain point in household income, these comes into play.
- More complex / difficult to understand.
- Harder to implement
- Generally have some costs associated with them.
- Riskier and need to make sure they are setup and managed correctly.
- Provide massive tax savings.
- General Qualification Threshold: Household income (regardless of it’s business income or not) of $250k+
- These are going to be reserved for higher income earners and the reason is because often times the learning curve and cost associated to them would outweigh the tax savings they provide until you hit that threshold.
That is it! So now that you understand baseline tax strategies vs advanced tax strategies, we can help.
For more details along with additional training and tax strategies to ensure you are paying the least amount in taxes as legally possible, check out our Tax Minimization Program!
If you don’t have an accounting or tax advisor (or you need assistance with anything discussed), click here to book your complimentary strategy session with JETRO.
The Time Is NOW To Start Paying Less In Taxes.Ā Join TaxElm and start eliminating taxes and growing your wealth!
What you'll get:
- Tax Savings Blueprint and Training: This is your roadmap to hit the ground and start implementing. Know exactly which strategies are relevant to you and which ones you should focus on first! Then dive into the training library with content, videos, downloads, guides, templates, etc. and start implementing right away!
- Unlimited Access to Tax Experts: Got a specific question about a tax rule? Youā€™ll have unlimited messaging access directly with-in the software to our team of tax experts to get the accounting and tax answers you need.
- Annual Comprehensive Consultation: Once a year you get a live meeting with a tax expert to discuss anything tax savings you would like. This is your time to get your questions answered live 1-on-1.
- Annual Tax Return Review: Each year, upload your prior year tax returns, and our expert team will meticulously analyze them to generate a custom report highlighting key findings and actionable savings strategies tailored to your specific tax situation.
- Monthly Webinars and Training: Every month, we host a live, virtual training session on a key tax topic. Join us live and bring your questions or view the training on your own schedule (recordings are added to the tax training library).
- Partner Directory and Discounts: You get exclusive, members-only rates and access to our expert referral network for accounting, bookkeeping, tax preparation, payroll, financial planning, legal, retirement planning, tax resolution, and more!
- TaxElm Guarantee: We will present tax saving strategies that will, at a minimum, cover the cost of your subscription fee or your money back!
It is like having a taxĀ strategist walking with you along this entrepreneurial journey!
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